True Location of Heaven

Book: True Location of Heaven

The book True Location of Heaven is written by Joseph Osirian, a yoga specialist.

Within a year of starting to practice yoga, Joseph realized that there is a rich world that exists in a deeper realm than our everyday world.

Repeated mystical experiences were enough to compel Joseph to devote his life to exploring this path.

In his mid-twenties, Joseph abandoned his secular career and withdrew into the mountains to begin a life as a monk.

Following this, through some 30 years of yoga practice, Joseph came to understand that modern civilization has made some fundamental misunderstandings.

Joseph is also keenly aware that the theory and practice of yoga are not correctly understood in the modern world.

Joseph has written this book to point out the fallacies underlying 20th century civilization (a civilization that continues into the 21st century), to introduce the world of true abundance that exists at the base of our everyday world, and to debunk the idea that there is no such thing as heaven or life after death.

Furthermore, by explaining the basic theory and essential practice methods of yoga, the book aims to introduce the authentic yoga that goes beyond the health and wellness-oriented level of yoga practiced in yoga studios.

In the final chapter, Joseph specifically describes the fragmentary reality of heaven that he has personally experienced through his advanced yoga practice for the sake of future generations of humanity.

Joseph believes that probably within the 21st century, and certainly within 300 years, humanity will come to understand that heaven exists, and he hopes that this book will be of some help on that journey.

The book, True Location of Heaven by Joseph Osirian, is available on

It is currently only available as a Kindle e-book, but a paperback version is planned for the future.



Joseph was born in Japan in 1969 and began practicing yoga in 1992.

For more information, please visit the About Joseph Osirian page.

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