Three Major Misunderstandings of Modern Civilization

Everyone Has a Subtle Body

In yoga, you manipulate the subtle body.

The subtle body exists in every person, separate from the physical body but overlapping with it.

For example, many people have probably experienced a sensation in the back of their breastbone, on the midline of the body at chest height, when they have felt a deep emotion that resonates in their heart.

From a medical and anatomical perspective, there is nothing in that area.

What is there is not a structure on the physical level, but the Anahata chakra, a subtle body structure that exists on a different dimension than the physical body.

Of course, in order to clearly perceive the Anahata chakra, you need to have some degree of yoga practice, but if you just want to feel the presence of the Anahata chakra, it is something that anyone can do easily.

However, modern medicine and biology completely ignore the existence of the subtle body.

Even though modern medicine completely ignores the existence of subtle bodies, it has given humanity enormous benefits in terms of disease treatment. But in terms of promoting health, modern medical theory inevitably encounters its limitations.

The subtle body is explained mainly in Chapters 7 and 8.

Heaven Exists

In the last couple of hundred years, science and technology have developed so much that modern humanity has come to understand that the human world on this planet is the entire world.

This understanding is wrong.

About a hundred years ago, most people believed that there are heaven and life after death.

Whether this belief is correct or not is another matter.

But if you practice yoga to a certain degree, your ability to perceive your environment will increase, and you will be able to perceive the effects from outside the modern human world.

From this premise, you can say that heaven and life after death do exist.

The way of thinking of modern civilization, which has been blinded by the development of science and technology, is mistaken.

The subject of this modern framework trap is explained in Chapter 4.

Life After Death Does Exist

The mainstream philosophy of modern civilization is that “when a person dies, everything ends there.” This is the idea that there is no life after death.

But if you practice yoga to a certain degree and are able to grasp the subtle body, you can understand the possibility that this subtle body will continue to exist after physical death.

Whether life after death really exists or not might be difficult to clarify or prove with the current level of science.

But if a person believes that there is no life after death and gives in to the institutional pressures of modern civilization, which is run on that kind of ideology, it will probably be a negative thing for that person’s old age.

Aside from whether life after death exists or not, it is surely preferable to live with the intention of being active forever, on the premise that life activities will continue beyond the physical death.

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