Table of Contents


The following is the table of contents for the book True Location of Heaven by Joseph Osirian.

The book is divided into two parts: Part I: Beyond the Age of Materialism and Part II: Tips for Yoga Practice and the Truth of Heaven.

Part II is the main part of the book.

It provides basic knowledge of true yoga, which is not well known in the modern world, in an easily understandable way.

Further, the final chapter, which is effectively a new part, describes the fragmentary glimpses of heaven that I have personally experienced through a certain level of advanced yoga and, in a word that I am awed to use, by the grace of God.

As for Part I, it contains elements of a prologue leading up to Part II, which I thought was necessary.

Apart from the above, Part I also explains (in Chapter 4) why humanity in the 20th century has come to believe erroneously that there is no heaven, based on basic knowledge of the history of Western philosophy, which I suppose is a very basic story.

The last three sections of Part I (in Chapter 6) are extras.

For more detailed features about the contents of the book, please see the book features page.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Our World is Much Deeper than We Might Think

Roars Surge Up within My Body

A Waterfall Location

Subtle Energies Our Universe Carries

Sum Total of Prayers

Prayer at Catholic Churches

Chapter 2: Believers in Life After Death

Born in the World Where Materials are Everything

US Citizens Believe in Life After Death

US Citizens Have Retained Faith

Outsider in Japan

Other Countries

Chapter 3: Space Left by Kukai

A Priest in Samue

Mystical Space Left by Kukai

Chapter 4: Fallacy of Dogma Heaven Does Not Exist

Heaven Does Not Exist Above Clouds, But…

Direction of Heaven and Direction of Clouds

Modern Era

I Think, Therefore I Am

Coordinate Space

Framework of Modern Era

Astrophysicists May Not Understand Our Universe Correctly

Human Gaze

Chapter 5: Life Doesn’t Go As You Want

Explore the Spiritual World

Unable to Remain in the Spiritual World for Life

Saddened by My Mind Impurities

Became Unable to Sense Exquisiteness of the World

Can’t Be Immersed in Secular World Either

Chapter 6: Yoga World that Transcends Modern Framework

Yoga Helps You Transcend Framework of Modern Era

Guidelines for Part II

Writing Standpoint

In Fact, George W. Bush was Great

In Fact, Bill Clinton was Also Great

Humans Did Not Evolve from Apes


Chapter 7: Chakras and Subtle Body

Seven Chakras in the Human Body

Subtle Body

Abdominal Breathing

Crown Chakra Exists Outside the Physical Body

Chakra Vibrations and Emotions

Yoga Outside the East

Chapter 8: Nadis and Prana

Prana is Energy Fluid Carrying Life Force

72,000 Nadis Making Up Subtle Body

Three Channels—the Basic Nadis

Branching for Route to Ajna Chakra


Correspondence between Central Channel and Spine

Prana that Spreads Outside the Physical Body


Chapter 9: Why You Need to Practice Yoga

Yoga Serves to Regulate Subtle Body

Make Body More Flexible with Asanas

Regulate Prana with Pranayama

Restrain Prana Leakage through Gates

Chapter 10: Basic Yoga Methods

Opening and Closing the Anus—Ashwini Mudra

Mudra to Open and Close Genitalia

The Three Bandhas

Mudra as Profound Secrets of Yoga Practice

Shoulder Stand Poses

Pranayama to Light Flame

Chapter 11: Special Tips for Practicing Yoga


Remove Blockage in Nadis

Meditate as Instructed in Textbooks

Thinking is Important Meditation Method

Agape Meditation

Hatred and Indifference

Weight Training is Quite Useful for Yoga Advancement

Sitting in Lotus Position is Important

Sex Yoga

Chapter 12: Truth of Heavens


Architecture of Heavens

Use of Terms “God” and “Goddess”

Dakini Yelled at Me

Gods and Goddesses Who Tell the Truth

A God Explaining Phowa Meditation

Elementary School Classmates Transitioned to Heaven

Rejoined with Grandmother and Uncle in Heaven

First Heaven Where Moguls Go

Transition to Second Heaven Might Be Difficult

Yoga Practice in Heaven

Appearance of Asura Heaven

Languages of Heavens

Yoga Practice Checked from Heavens

Approach from Asura Heaven is Not Limited to Words

Heavenly Architecture is Highly Complicated

What’s Important is Same Whether on Earth or in Heaven

In Heaven, You Still Have Qualification Exams

“Actually, We Weren’t Transitioning to Heaven”

Blowing Up Current that Leads to Heavens

Dream Cycles

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