True Yoga

Yoga is a system of techniques for manipulating the subtle body that developed greatly in India.

Everyone has a subtle body separate from their physical body, and the two overlap.

Many people have heard the word “chakra,” but chakras are one of the structures of the subtle body.

It is a common mistake to think of chakras as nerve plexuses. I suppose that these people are not completely unaware of the subtle body that all human beings possess, but rather that they are aware of it but do not understand it.

This subject is covered in Chapter 7, Chakras and Subtle Body.

By manipulating the subtle body, which resides in a deeper realm than and overlaps with the physical body, in various ways, yoga also has a positive effect on the human physical body.

By “deep” here, I mean depth in the mind. The physical body can be easily grasped with everyday consciousness, but the subtle body is a body that exists in a slightly deeper realm, so it is more difficult for some people to grasp.

Techniques for manipulating the subtle body have been passed down and developed through the long history of yoga, so those who know the appropriate methods can easily manipulate the subtle body.

Also, the fact that the subtle body exists in a slightly deeper realm of the mind means that the mind and body are not completely separate entities.

By adjusting the subtle body, one may also be able to achieve a sense of mental calm.